While most marketing/advertsing conferences are as dull as dishwater, London is lucky enough to have two rather good ones coming up in the next few months.
First up (April 24th-25th) is Wildfire, bought to you by the wonderful peeps over at Contagious, it's all about understanding what lies behind ideas that spread and sell, and it's got a bunch of smart speakers, from Ze Frank to the planning Bhagwan himself, Russell Davies.
So go along and never be guilty of misusing the word "viral" again.
Lee has got a full blurb over at his blog, so pop on over and check it.
(Disclosure: this event is sponsored by Leo Burnett my current employer)
Secondly, on June the 16th, we have 'Interesting 2007', the brainchild of the afore-mentioned Mr Davies.
'Interesting 2007' promises to be rather, er, interesting. In Russell's own words:
"The plan is to have all sorts of speakers speak about all sorts of stuff. Not brands, advertising, blogging and twitter but interesting, unexpected, original things. I'm hoping to find fascinating people and to just ask them to speak about something they care about. I want to replicate the experience of clicking from one really good blog to another, ranging across sciences, arts, musics, jokes and whatever. There will be 20 minute slots and 3 minute slots. Some people will play music or sing. And some people who can't be there will be asked to send three minute videos. Perhaps. I reckon we can squeeze a lot of interestingness into a day. And then have a party afterwards."
At 20 quid, it's a bargain.
See you there, and there.
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