Now that Oscar season is finished, there are a few actually quite interesting films on their way to a cinema near you.
First up, here's the trailer for Quentin Tarantino's upcoming WWII-behind-enemy-lines flick "Inglourious Basterds":
But before then we've got "Watchmen" to get excited about. Here's some of the trailers and various bits of lead-up stuff, presented in a nifty New Frontiersmen telly (play with the buttons for more content):
And I'm rather excited by "Coraline" as well, from the mind of Neil Gaiman (creator of Sandman and writer of American Gods -go read it, its amazing. Neil is also rather good at Tweeting):
And a massive thanks to Angus for the ffffound invite -in the interests of paying it forward, the first person to drop me a line will receive my invite.
Josh just tweeted the link to a clip on Mike Arauz's blog, where Mike has posted this cautionary tale / brilliant clip from an old Canadian show where the manager of an ailing regional theatre visits a hot new ad agency:
As Homer J. Simpson said, "its funny 'cause its true".
If you want to avoid being involved in yet another beer (or cider) in which three guys walk into a bar with ensuing hilarity (note that it's always three -one would be a lonely alcoholic loser and two could be gay... and its best of one could be black, while you're at it please), then please heed Mencken's advice:
"There is always a well-known solution to every human problem -neat, plausible, and wrong."
-H.L. Mencken
Dig deeper. Question the obvious. And, please, avoid "conventional wisdom" like the plague.
"You can observe a lot just by watching" -Yogi Berra
For me, this quote nails one of the joys of planning -figuring out what people really think, need and want.
All too often, the lens of the focus group will distort the subject of your enquiry and the statistics can obscure rather than reveal the truth (it is true that the average person has one breast and one testicle, but that doesn't help us much).
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