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Ed Gardiner

My experience of LINK is limited but two things come to mind from a methodology point of view:

1. Do MB take a base-line measure of engagement or interest before the task? The scores are meaningless without one.

2. Do they test the statistical significance of fluctuations in the worm? I don't think I've ever seen a p-value in advertising.

R. Huey-Lipton

I am so interested in how your conversation goes...this has been a source of many a WTF discussion in our offices as well. Adding to your points above, you'd think that they'd be able to aggregate in some way the various scores on the active engagement, interest trace, feel good factor and Link persuasion score and then, having looked at this score in relation to eventual and actual in market effectiveness, be able to give you a good sense of HOW the communication might actually work in the marketplace. Otherwise, it just a bunch of named modules in their questionnaire that jack up the price.

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